Key Stage One Workshops

Castle Household and Squire Academy

Session 1: Using a selection of replica historical items, the children will help to prepare the dining table for the Lord and Lady of the castle. Through the use of handling items and role play they will explore the differences between rich and poor, then and now, continuity and change.

Session 2: The children will learn about the Castle as a defensive structure, who would have lived at the Castle and what it took to be a squire/knight in the medieval times. They will help with constructing a knight’s armour and look at the weapons that would have been used. They will end the session participating in bill drill and marching with a bill hook (a foam one not a real one!)

This is our most popular workshop with schools returning year after year.

Total cost per child: £8.50 (including admission)
Runtime: 50 mins per session. 
Availability: All year round subject to availability
Curriculum links
Events beyond living memory
People & places in own locality
Develop an awareness of the past
Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods
Use vocabulary of everyday historical items


The Great Fire of London

Session 1: The children will meet the lady of the Castle who has received a letter informing her of a terrible event in London.  Through the description of the events in the letter children will explore different aspects of the Great Fire and will have the opportunity to express their thoughts and understanding of the event. They will end the session by using their reasoning skills to pack a small basket with items they would take with them if they needed to leave in a hurry. At the end of the session they will discuss what they packed and why.

Session 2: Student will meet the tutor of the castle and explore what education was like in the Stuart period. Aspects such as different educational opportunities for boys and girls, how to run a household, how to start a fire and more importantly how to put one out , will be covered in this session.  The topic of plague is also briefly covered but can be expanded if requested. At the end of the session, students have the opportunity to make a lucky charm to protect against fire and plague which they take home with them.

Total cost per child: £8.50 (including admission)  
Runtime: 50 mins per session. 
Availability: All year round subject to availability
Curriculum links
The Great Fire
Events beyond living memory
Significant historical events
Develop an awareness of the past
Identify similarities and differences beteen ways of life in different periods
People & places in own locality